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Building a Roadmap

One of the core jobs of a Product Manager is building a roadmap. Where most go wrong is understanding what a roadmap is.

What is a Roadmap

A roadmap is the output document of discovery and prioritization and is a living document which keeps changing. In fact, there should be multiple variants of your roadmap which you build for specific audiences. When you are communicating up, your roadmap should be geared towards strategic initiatives which skip the details. When you are communicating down, it should be more complete. To both audiences, it needs to communicate where you are going and, if possible, why.

Need not be visual

When you think of road maps, you think of graphics which are derivatives of Gantt & Flow charts. But it need not always be visual; a table with quarters in columns and initiatives in rows can suffice. Remember, the message is more important than the medium.


Ravi Vyas
Ravi Vyas